Joint Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) - Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) Meeting at San Antonio, Texas

Lia Marta Bernabò, an Italian third-year PhD student at the Department of Extra- solar Planets and Atmospheres, is currently working at the University of Texas at Austin for 5 months for an exchange program funded by the EU-MSCA Staff Exchange ExoWorld grant.

She moved to Austin in September and went to San Antonio to participate in the DPS- EPSC joint meeting (1-6 October 2023). She gave a talk about her research on the interior structure of exoplanets and how to infer it through the radial velocity technique. The talk was well received and there was the opportunity to meet the American community and attend interesting sessions broadening a wide range of topics, from minor bodies to Solar System planets and exoplanets. The conference included many networking events, like early career refreshments and off-site events such as dinners and an open-mic food truck party at the Witte Museum, the Museum of Natural History, where everyone had the opportunity to visit the exhibitions and see the meteorite that was falling in Texas in February this year.

The party continued with karaoke surrounded by dinosaur fossils! Many really interesting workshops and discussions related to mental health in the planetary research community, planetary scientists of colour and LGBTQ+ community also took place.

Some snapshots of the DPS-EPSC conference (credit: Lia Marta Bernabò).